Sunday, 12 May 2013

Decisions, de-poopy-cisions...

I've been working on the cover of my new book Mr Poopy Pants this week - but can't decide which is better - the dark background or light? I have a feeling the dark looks better on screen but the light will look better printed.  And it possibly looks a little classier.  But can a book about poop be classy? Who knows. What do you think?


  1. Both look fantastic, but think I prefer the light background!

  2. I like the light background. You're right, it gives it a more classic look.

  3. The light background wins me over too.

  4. I agree with the light background as I feel this will grab the attention of children ( they LOVE poopy stories and jokes ). Just my opinion as a mother of 1 and working within the school system.
